Current Reseach
I am currently working on the following research topics
Comlex Networks
Structural Constraints Network Growth Mechanisms
Network Security
Immunology-inspired Internet Defense Secure communication for cloud computing
Social Networks
Measurment of AS Relationships Internet routing struture Internet performance an robustness
Measurment of AS Relationships Internet routing struture Internet performance an robustness
Reseach Grants
Phasellus lectus sem, egestas eget sollicitudin ut, lobortis ac nulla. Phasellus lectus sem, egestas eget sollicitudin ut.
List of Publications
Absolutely Stunning Design & Functionality Common Things Expected
Reseach Affiliates
Phasellus lectus sem, egestas eget sollicitudin ut, lobortis ac nulla. Phasellus lectus sem, egestas eget sollicitudin ut.